Oklahoma. Kansas. What's the difference? Especially when neither one can even begin to conjure up such an oasis. Right? Alright people, admit it. You miss us. "What?" you ask "I have no idea what you're talking about, Mrs. Steele!?!?" Yes. Yes, you do. I'm referring to our M.I.A. noteworthy posts. You remember, the ones with memorable content, soulful insight, and (BAM!) a few complete [diagrammable] sentences thrown in for good measure.
Well, I have a confession... I miss them too (sniff). With a few ideas floating aimlessly in the wings, I've lacked the desire, much less the time, to devote the creative energy essential to wrapping them up. In the meantime, enjoy the shared, lacksidasical mindset and know that we're on a much needed sabbatical, only to return refreshed, renewed, rejuvenated... you get the idea ;)
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