Friday, July 31

T.G.I.Friday :: Foto & Favorites

A supplement to The Steele Dossier, each edition composed of a candid photo, caption, and five(5) personal favorites selected at random. Enjoy!

• Brandy Ice desserts
• Greeting cards by Papyrus
• Life Church's At The Movies series
• Anniversary dinners at Michael's Grill, our second year in a row.
Our new Foster & Stearns mattress, though, still deciding on the bedding selections. Aaaaargh...

CHECK OUT those scrumptious, sugar-coated Baby Legs, a delicacy around these here parts, also great with a side of ranch ;)


Stacy and Jason said...

I like your drapes in the background! Brandy Ice - first time I had one was at Haunted House - very nice!

Deziray Click said...

Love the legs!