Monday, July 21

I Found My Thrill ...

A few weeks ago, some friends of ours recommended a cost effective family outing consisting of picking our very own blackberries. At $2.50 per pound, complete with ice cold water, recipes, wipes, sunscreen and bug spray, who could pass up a chance at some hand-picked summer goodness. As far as the Steeles are concerned, we look forward to participating in those things 'outside the norm' when it comes to family activities and excursions. Whether it involves supporting a local eatery or attending a community event, we truly enjoy seeking out that unique, "home grown" experience.
We were joined by three couple friends and their children that evening, all eager to collect our seasonal fare in hopes of creating a truly delectable dish. As you will notice in the pictures, Kinsey quickly recognized the goal of our mission by skipping the labor portion of it and eating them directly off the vine. Since the pickings are measured afterwards, the joke was that the little ones should have been weighed before and after our evening's event. Mmm... just look at that berry stained face. Gotta love it!!!