Wednesday, May 13

Shiver Me Timberlake!

Many moons ago, my sister [Whitney] attended a concert at the city's "premier" theme park. Myself, along with the majority of my peers, had not heard of "the band," but regardless she was ecstatic to personally receive each of the member's signatures on a free *NSYNC debut album. This was the first time I was introduced to Justin Timberlake and, at the time, thought it quite likely to be the last.

Over the years, our generation has watched Justin transform from Mousketeer to teen pop idol sensation to solo superstar to his present form, a triple threat (singer/dancer/comedian), among other noted accomplishments. Although, we admit to a continued skepticism outside of his regular musical skill set; at least until his natural talent became more apparent on his recent SNL debut, as demonstrated on the following "impromptu" Weekend Update appearance...

Note: Scroll down to the bottom of the page and pause [||] the playlist music.

Though we've tried (we've really tried), we cannot not like the man. Like most guys, I was quick to bash boy bands (jealousy maybe?), reserving a special disdain for the frontmen, most notably Justin Timberlake. However, deep down we knew we were just kidding ourselves. Justin shares a similar sense of humor, and despite his pop star success seems exceptionally likable (don't call it a man crush, though). Instead, he's what most would refer to as a man's man, never taking himself too seriously.

Timberlake's recent appearances on Saturday Night Live are the highlights of our viewing season. Aside from his brilliant collaborations (aka SNL Digital Shorts) with Andy Samberg, (although hilarious, not appropriate for a family blog) we've embedded our latest favorite, prompting repeated comical references between the two of us. So, if you missed last weekend's SNL and in need of some hump day humor to get you through the remainder of the week, then check it out... you will not be disappointed!

:: UPDATE ::
I apologize for the inconvenience, however, NBC has inconvenienced us all by requiring removal of the SNL "Plasticville" clip due to musical copyright infringements. Boo!!! Unfortunately if you missed it, then you missed Mr. Timberlake donning an implant costume labeled 34DD and "saline be pumpin' pumpin'!" Gotta love it ;)